Our Pastors & Staff
"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood." Acts 20:28

Senior Pastor
Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz
Pastor Ogrodowicz graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2003 with a music performance degree in percussion. Following a brief stint in the music business, he matriculated in Concordia Theological Seminary in the summer of 2007. His first Divine Call after seminary was to Victory in Christ Lutheran Church of Newark, Texas, where he served as sole pastor from August 2011 to December 2017. He was installed as Associate Pastor and Headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church on January 7th, 2018. After serving at Grace for five years and with the retirement of Pastor Jacobs, Pastor Ogrodowicz was installed as the Senior Pastor on August 6, 2023.
Pastor Ogrodowicz is married to his beloved wife Audra, and is the proud father of five great kids, Elias, Elise, Everrett, Everly and Eleanor. Along with being a pastor, husband and father, his hobbies include woodworking, camping and outdoor cooking. He’s grateful to serve in the Office of the Holy Ministry and counts it a privilege to preach, teach, and administer to God’s people the gifts of Word and Sacrament.

Associate Pastor & School Headmaster
Rev. Isaac Schuller
Pastor Schuller was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala, where his parents (his father now a retired LCMS pastor) served as missionaries. After their missionary service, he and his family moved to Houston, Texas where he attended Lutheran primary school and high school.
Pastor Schuller attended Concordia University Texas where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education, DCE in 2009. Following graduation, he began his studies at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He received his Master of Divinity degree in May of 2013 and married his beautiful wife Elizabeth in July that same year. They have four wonderful children: Olivia, Ezekiel, Naomi, and Esther.
In August of 2013, Pastor Schuller was ordained and installed as sole pastor at First Immanuel Lutheran Church in San Jose, CA. FILC is a bilingual parish and He was blessed to be able to lead worship in both Spanish and English. He served there for 10 years, Before being called by Grace Lutheran Church.

Associate Pastor - Visitation
Rev. William Holzer

Organist & Choir Director - Rev. Lee Kunkel

Pastor Kunkel has been playing organ for church services since 1961. He was then, 11 years old, when Mr. Zoch (the principal and organist at St John Lutheran, Corpus Christi, TX) became ill on Saturday night and could not play for services on Sunday morning. He first organized and conducted a choir at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Kingsville in 1970. After an 8 year business career, he enrolled in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in 1981 where he also served as chapel organist and asst Music Director. During his time as a called pastor, Pastor Kunkel used his musical gifts to play keyboard and organ at special events, and he directed a number of choirs. Having studied music as an undergraduate, he earned a Master of Music degree from Texas State University in 2004 with concentrations in voice and composition. In 2011, he accepted the call to Grace Lutheran, to serve as Associate Pastor and Music Director. He retired from the Pastoral Ministry in 2018, but continues to serve Grace Lutheran as primary organist and choral director.
Assistant Organist - Audra Ogrodowicz

Mrs. Audra Ogrodowicz began taking piano lessons at the age of 6 and began organ instruction at the age of 16. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with Highest Honors in Music from Sam Houston State Universityin 2002. In 2005 she received her Master of Music degree from Baylor University while studying organ with Dr. Joyce Jones. Mrs. Ogrodowicz was the organist at Victory in Christ Lutheran Church in Newark, Texas for 6 years. She has been the Chapel organist for Grace Lutheran School since 2018. Some of her favorite hymns are “Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness” and “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”.

Church Secretary
Carol Magjarevech