Our Groups & Ministries
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

The Psalmist speaks, “make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” (Ps.98:4). Joyous songs go forth in the Grace Lutheran Choir that meets every Wednesday at 6:00pm in the sanctuary under the direction of Pastor and organist Lee Kunkel. Their contributions in the church service typically occur once a month.
Meets Every Wed. - 6pm - in Sanctuary

Graceful Quilters
Sewing and quilting is an important hobby and useful talent at Grace Lutheran Church. The Graceful Quilters employ their talents for many things ranging from providing quilts overseas, items for fundraisers, to handling vestment issues when a Grace Lutheran Pastor needs something sown for Sunday morning. The Quilters meet every Thursday at 9:00am at a designated room in the school wing of Grace Lutheran School.
Meets Every Thursday - 9am - in Sewing Room

Ladies Afternoon Circle
This women’s group meets monthly in food, fellowship, and prayer. Along with basking in their fellowship as baptized believers in Christ, this circle of baptized believers helps with many things, such as preparations for funeral meals, supporting seminary workers, and helping facilitate church-wide meals and events requiring their special touch to make any function a blessed affair worthy of thanksgiving to God. Meeting times are the 1st Thursday of every month at 2:00pm.
Meets Every First Thursday - 2pm

Ladies Evening Circle
Like the Afternoon Ladies Circle, this women’s group also enjoys monthly food, fellowship, and time in the Scriptures. They also contribute to many things, such as preparations for funeral meals, supporting seminary workers, and helping facilitate church-wide meals and events requiring their special touch to make any function a blessed affair worthy of thanksgiving to God. Meetings times are the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm.
Meets Every 2nd Tuesday - 7pm

Ladies Bible Study
The Grace Lutheran Ladies Bible Study meets for approximately eight weeks in the Fall and Spring. The Fall session begins in early September, with the Spring session kicking off in January. In these classes participants go through a book study by Lutheran authors teaching the faith. Exact start times are announced prior to each session. Women interested in learning more about Lutheran doctrine and practice are encouraged to attend these times of prayer, fellowship, and the study of God’s Holy Word.

Men's Club
The men’s club typically meets on the last Tuesday of every month. It’s another time for fellowship amongst men and their families who gather to eat, play games, and hear about this group’s work serving the church in various capacities with their time, talent, and treasure.
Meets Last Tuesday Each Month

Youth League
The Grace Lutheran Youth Leage is comprised of High School youth who serve the church at various functions and enjoy that blessed fellowship amongst one another whenever they gather for fun activities and time in God’s Word. The Youth League meets at various times throughout the year. Also, every Sunday provides opportunity for High School youth to gather at the Sunday School hour to receive divine teaching, converse, and pray.
Meets Every Sunday Following Church Service

Following our weekly church service is the Sunday School hour at Grace Lutheran Church. From children age 3 to youth in High School, this time involves hearing teaching from the Holy Scriptures. Whether it’s bible stories for the young, catechism study for confirmation age students, or High Schoolers taking a deeper dive into a biblical text, this is a blessed time to hear the Word of God strengthen and confirm us in our vocations as baptized believers traversing this difficult world always with Christ at our side. Sunday School begins at 10:45 and ends at 11:15am on Sunday mornings.
Meets Every Sunday Following Church Service

Altar Guild
The Grace Luthera Altar Guild is responsible for maintaining the vestments, paraments, and communion items integral to the liturgical worship settings of Grace Lutheran Church. Their work is visible every Sunday, as they work in conjunction with our liturgical calendar to ensure all the colors correspond to the season reflecting Christ and His Life for the church.

Men's Bible Breakfast
Men’s Bible Breakfast is a prime time for men to enjoy food, great discussion, and most importantly the Holy Word of God confirming for us His promise to save in the work and person of Christ crucified and risen from the dead. This group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 6:00am. It’s early, but still a great way to start the day.
Meets Every Tuesday Morning - 6am - in the Parlor

Adult Bible Study
Our weekly Adult Bible Study involves the Senior Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church teaching from the Holy Scriptures of God and the Lutheran Confessions. It’s a prime time to hear sound doctrine rooted in the Word of God, ask questions, and hopefully grow in understanding the Christian faith once delivered to all the saints. The meeting time is 10:45am to 11:15am in the Family Activity Center following worship.